Pavarin RM, Substance use and related problems: a study on the abuse of recreational and not recreational drugs in Northern Italy, in Annali dell'Istituto superiore di Sanità 2006, 42(4):477-484
2015 subjects were interviewed at musical events and raves in Northern Italy: average age 25.1, 42% female, 67% work, 42% study, 61% have higher certificate of education. 3.8% used drugs for the first time in the last year, and 60% have been using drugs for over 5 years, age of first use 16.3. In the last year, 26% have tried a mix of drugs, 52% alcohol and drugs, 48% have driven after drinking; drug consumption was: marijuana 58%, hashish 55%, cocaine 24%, popper 12%, hallucinogenic mushrooms 13%, ecstasy 13%, amphetamines 13%, Salvia divinorum 11%, LSD 9%, opium 9%, ketamine 7%, heroin 5%. In the last year, 27% subjects had depression, 25.7% anxiety, 23.7% sleep disorders, 15% financial problems, 13% road accidents, 9% addiction, 6% judicial problems. All problems were correlated to CAGE (Cut, Annoyed, Guilty, Eye-opener) test, drug use and mix drug use; psychological problems were higher for females: anxiety for cocaine, memory and psychosomatic for opium, sleeping disorders for crack, anxiety for popper, hallucinations for LSD and hallucinogenic mushrooms.